Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Links for New Year's column

Last year's column



Last New Year's Column

In the Family Tech running on January 1, 2015, I allude to the first column of 2014 from January 2, 2014.  With the permission of Prince William Today, here is that column :

Note: This is the column as submitted; without the editors probably needed edits.

At this point, we are far enough into the New Year to know, yet again, most of our resolutions are not going to happen.

And being January, we are likely to find ourselves snowed in for a day or more at some point.  I thought I’d suggest a few things we can all do on that snowy day that will help with some of the computer and organizational resolutions that we made or perhaps should have made.

One thing I do every January is put a folder on the table by the front door for the many tax documents that will be arriving from employers, banks, investment houses, schools ,and the like.  So as I walk in the door with mail each day, I have a specific place to put these important documents.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Links for Amusement Park Tech

Check the website of your destination for links to official apps for your phone.

Check your phone's app store for apps for your planned destination for other apps that might provide information on your destination.  Exercise caution, those third party apps are likely there to push products.

Learn more about Disney Magic Bands at Disney's Website.

Thursday, December 4, 2014